Dear Scouts, Scouting Leaders, Parents, and Friends,
As we celebrate the end of 2020 the Catholic Committee on Scouting for the Diocese of Kalamazoo is pleased to offer this virtual retreat. As you may recall, Bishop Bradley declared 2020 the year of the Eucharist. In recognition of that declaration we are presenting this opportunity to earn two different patches from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) and will help us learn more about the amazing gift of the Eucharist. The requirements for both are listed in the "2020 CCOS Retreat" document below, along with the links to the website. These are both wonderful activities to do as a Pack, Den, Troop, Patrol, Unit, or as a family or group of friends. Please enjoy this opportunity to expand your faith and to learn more about the beautiful gift of the Eucharist!
Please feel free to reach out to our Committee if you have any questions ( or Please note that the cost of each patch is $4.00 plus shipping for the Luminous Mysteries Patch and $3.00 plus shipping for the Eucharistic Adoration Patch. Thanks.
God Bless!
John Hallacy
Chair, Diocese of Kalamazoo Catholic Committee on Scouting